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What Are The Reading Rules?

Rule #5 – “ar,” The Pirate!

The Reading Rules was created to address what is missing in all other reading programs. The reason it has been so difficult to learn to read in English in the past is because the English language consists of words that cannot be sounded out just by mastering the basic 26 alphabet sounds. The Reading Rules addresses this important issue and brings mastery to literacy.

Here are some examples of these “irregularities” that cannot be sounded out using knowledge of the 26 alphabet sounds.

1) RACE = răk-ĕ (using 26 alphabet sounds), with TRR becomes [rās]

2)TEACHER = tĕ-ă-chĕr (using 26 alphabet sounds), with TRR becomes [tee-cher]

3) PARTY = pă-rt-yŭ (using 26 alphabet sounds) with TRR becomes [pahr-tee]

In order to use The Reading Rules effectively, the student should be able to sound out simple English words.

If the student can read the list below without any mistakes, he/she is ready to begin to learn The Reading Rules.

and black band thumb kiss mush went
clamp click bent trust lump milk wish
honk drop clamp vest bunk numb think
duck fish glass hush mask prod bunk
end brush gong hint tick trash chomp
flip crush shut help knock vest whisk
skunk chest that jets lend rush spunk

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This list ensures that the student is ready to begin The Reading Rules. These words are completely phonetic and have no sound irregularities that fall outside of the basic 26 letter sounds and common digraphs (sh, th, ch).

In general, children who have been in a traditional education setting learning to read in English can read at this level of fluency by the second grade, or by age 7. The Reading Rules picks up the teaching where other reading programs stop.

If more than 2 mistakes were made, click here to purchase the first set of flash cards and manual, The Reading Rules Preparation Program: Mastery of the Alphabet Sounds

If you are working with a student under the age of 7, I strongly recommend starting with The Reading Rules Preparation Program: Mastery of the Alphabet Sounds.

The Reading Rules Preparation Program: Mastery of the Alphabet Sounds

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It is very important to ensure that the foundation of basic alphabet sounds is internalized. This preparation program ensures mastery of the basic 26 letter sounds as well as mastery of three and four-letter words incorporating those basic sounds.

After completing and mastering this part of the program, please proceed to the The Reading Rules Program.

The Reading Rules

The Reading Rules program is a phonics-based program in which common letter/sound combinations and patterns found in the English language are taught and addressed, as opposed to being written-off as irregularities in the English language.

The Reading Rules transforms these irregular sound/spelling patterns into dependable and recognizable “Rules”. These rules are internalized and become 23 consistent and highly reliable patterns for decoding the English language.

The Reading Rules can be used in the classroom with a teacher or at home with a parent or tutor.

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Step 1 - THE READING RULES Preparedness Test

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